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Microsoft defines mixed reality as the result of blending the physical world with the digital world. Mixed reality is the next evolution in human, computer, and environment interaction and unlocks possibilities that before now were restricted to our imaginations. It is made possible by advancements in computer vision, graphical processing power, display technology, and input systems.

In this two day training course you will learn how to build your first mixed reality application for the new mixed reality headsets. This learning experience is designed for commercial software developers looking to build applications using Microsoft's Windows Mixed Reality technologies.

A background in software development with graphic programming is useful, yet not essential.

NOTE: This is not a games development training course.

Meet the trainers





To participate at the nsquared MR Training Course, you are only expected to have basic knowledge of a NET programming language, preferably C#.

  • No prior knowledge of Unity 3D is required. This course is particularly targeted to those who are new to Unity.
  • No prior knowledge of MR, VR, AR development is required, in fact, you might have never tried any related device.
  • You will not need to provide any hardware or software, nsquared will provide the computers, the headsets and the software.

What will you learn

By participating in the nsquared Mixed Reality Fundamentals Training Course you will learn how to develop for Windows Mixed Reality devices (Immersive headsets), using Unity 3D.

You will find this course to be succinct, yet comprehensive covering all the areas of development required to build applications for Windows Mixed Reality. The course includes hands on workshops for each attendee to build their first mixed reality experience and test it.

This course also includes an overview of design and 3D modelling techniques, to have a minimal impact on software performance, whilst maintaining visual quality.

Topics included in this course are:

  • Introduction to mixed reality hardware and software, Windows Mixed Reality Portal and Visual Studio
  • Introduction to Unity 3D, the engine structure and layout
  • Topology, design techniques and tips to optimise models for MR
  • Basic 3D modelling
  • Create a simple Unity scene, import and use external assets (also the 3D models you will create in the previous lesson)
  • Set up gaze and hand controls, interaction with the 3D assets and UI in MR
  • Movement in the virtual environment
  • Write code that works cross-platform
  • Speech in MR
  • Deployment to Windows 10, side loading vs Microsoft Store
  • Tools to debug and improve performance
  • Best development practices for MR
  • Overview of HoloLens
At the end of the course, students should leave the class with a solid knowledge of mixed reality, Unity and Visual Studio and how to use the tools to develop mixed reality applications.

This course uses Visual Studio 2017, and Unity 2017, running on Windows 10


After completing this course, students will have gained the skills to:

  • Create a new mixed reality application
  • Manipulate scenes in Unity
  • Optimize the 3D models to provide the best performance in mixed reality
  • Build simple 3D models
  • Use gestures and controllers to interact within a mixed reality environment
  • Use speech to control interactions with mixed reality
  • Deploy and test mixed reality applications
  • Debug and fix issues in mixed reality applications


The cost for the two day training is $2,399 (AUD)*

The course will provide each participant with a mixed reality headset, controllers, and a training manual to take away with them.**

Lunch is provided on both days, along with morning and afternoon snacks.

There is an optional evening hack event at the end of the first day.

To find out more or make a booking please contact training@nsquared.com.au

*Price includes GST.
** Approx. headset value $800.

Other learning resources

LinkedIn Learning Course - Mixed Reality Fundamentals

Learn how to develop your own mixed reality application in the comfort of your own home. This course will cover everything including: selecting a headset, development techniques, how to create 3D assets, and even how to deploy your application to the Windows Online Store.

Check out the LinkedIn Learning course today.

View course

Developing and Designing for Mixed Reality eBook

As part of the hands on Mixed Reality Fundamentals course, we have put together a Mixed Reality Fundamentals eBook, Developing and Designing for Mixed Reality.

Download your copy today to get started building your first mixed reality application.


nsquared's mixed reality applications

We have a few mixed reality applications available for you to purchase off the Windows Online Store.

nsquared training

Immerse yourself in a rich, interactive training environment with nsquared training. Using mixed reality, learn how to replace a graphics card in a PC.


nsquared space planner

From designing your office or home, to rearranging your warehouse, nsquared space planner removes the logistical frustrations of space design and planning.



Be sure to check out other eBooks available for download:

View eBooks

nsquared training courses

Get hands on training with the expert! Author of eXtreme .NET and Developing for Microsoft Surface, Dr. Neil is a Microsoft Most Valued Professional, and a Microsoft Regional Director. For over 25 years, Dr. Neil has been a technology consultant, teacher, entrepreneur, application designer and developer. Constantly pushing the boundaries of new technology, Dr. Neil helped to found nsquared with the vision of delivering software that makes the world smarter.

View Courses

Microsoft Mixed Reality labs

Join the community

Over the last couple of months, we have been hosting a series of mixed reality meetups at the Microsoft store in Sydney CBD. We have demonstrated a variety of topics on MR applications, training material, and have been joined by Dr Puya Abolfathi and Rob Segal, co-founders of Visospace, talking to us about locomotion in MR, and demonstrating their product, the Alto100.

Join the MR community today to get the latest technology trends and updates.

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